Rabu, 23 Desember 2009

here i come.....

We wish you merry christmas... 3x
and Happy New Year...

Hello, my reader... it's me
come back again...
now i'll give you all about some lyrics of christmas

Jingle Bells

Dashing through the snow
On a one-horse open sleigh,
Over the fields we go,
Laughing all the way;
Bells on bob-tail ring,
Making spirits bright,
What fun it is to ride and sing
A sleighing song tonight
Jingle bells, jingle bells,
Jingle all the way!
O what fun it is to ride
In a one-horse open sleigh

A day or two ago,
I thought I'd take a ride,
And soon Miss Fanny Bright
Was seated by my side;
The horse was lean and lank;
Misfortune seemed his lot;
He got into a drifted bank,
And we, we got upsot.
Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells,
Jingle all the way!
What fun it is to ride
In a one-horse open sleigh.

A day or two ago,
The story I must tell
I went out on the snow
And on my back I fell;
A gent was riding by
In a one-horse open sleigh,
He laughed as there
I sprawling lie,
But quickly drove away.
Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells,
Jingle all the way!
What fun it is to ride
In a one-horse open sleigh.

Now the ground is white
Go it while you're young,
Take the girls tonight
And sing this sleighing song;
Just get a bob-tailed bay
Two-forty as his speed
Hitch him to an open sleigh
And crack! you'll take the lead.
Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells,
Jingle all the way!
What fun it is to ride
In a one-horse open sleigh.

Jingle Bell Rock
Christmas Lyrics by Bobby Helms

Jingle bell, jingle bell, jingle bell rock
Jingle bells swing and jingle bells ring
Snowing and blowing up bushels of fun
Now the jingle hop has begun

Jingle bell, jingle bell, jingle bell rock
Jingle bells chime in jingle bell time
Dancing and prancing in Jingle Bell Square
In the frosty air.

What a bright time, it's the right time
To rock the night away
Jingle bell time is a swell time
To go gliding in a one-horse sleigh
Giddy-up jingle horse, pick up your feet
Jingle around the clock
Mix and a-mingle in the jingling feet
That's the jingle bell,
That's the jingle bell,
That's the jingle bell rock.

Jingle Bell Rock - it was first relaesed by Bobby Helms in 1957 and has received frequent airplay during every Holiday Season time since then. "Jingle Bell Rock" was written by Jim Boothe and Joe Beal.

Joy To The World

Joy to the world! The Lord is come.
Let earth receive her King
Let every heart
Prepare Him room
And Saints and angels sing
And Saints and angels sing
And Saints and Saints and angels sing

Joy to the world, the Saviour reigns
Let Saints their songs employ
While fields and floods
Rocks, hills and plains
Repeat the sounding joy
Repeat the sounding joy
Repeat, Repeat, the sounding joy

Joy to the world with truth and grace
And makes the nations prove
The glories of His righteousness
And wonders of His love
And wonders of His love
And wonders and wonders of His love

No more will sin and sorrow grow,
Nor thorns infest the ground;
He'll come and make the blessings flow
Far as the curse was found,
Far as the curse was found,
Far as, far as the curse was found.

He rules the world with truth and grace,
And gives to nations proof
The glories of His righteousness,
And wonders of His love;
And wonders of His love;
And wonders, wonders of His love.

Rejoice! Rejoice in the Most High,
While Israel spreads abroad
Like stars that glitter in the sky,
And ever worship God,
And ever worship God,
And ever, and ever worship God.

Rabu, 16 Desember 2009


AHhh.... i'm so happy now.
because the school holiday was come back again...
and this holiday is very long time...

so i want to go somewhere...
but i think i can't going out somewhere
well from now i'll plan my long time school holiday

so, see you in the next time....
thanx be4....

Selasa, 15 Desember 2009

christmas eve

Source : http://www.doobybrain.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/12/christmas-eve-poem.jpg

japanese manga

i think the japanese manga is very intersted
and of course the story of the manga is
very nice.
sometimes i'd like to read more than one
manga .because one manga is not enough for
my hobby to reading the manga.
this one i'd like to share y'all some picture of manga.

Senin, 14 Desember 2009

bali island (beautiful things)

this one is one of my photo that i take from home when
my nephew was sleeping. now i'd like to share
this photo to you all...

uhm, for now i think i just posted this one
because i don't has any idea
for now...
so i'm sorry for the less and more...

thanx you ...

Sabtu, 05 Desember 2009

all about joy and piece

Kamis, 03 Desember 2009

welcome december.... welcome christmas....

Christmas decorations on display Also called Christ's mass
Winter Pascha Observed by Christians
Many non-Christians[1] Type Christian, cultural Significance Traditional birthday of Jesus Date December 25 Observances Gift giving, church services, family meetings, decorating Related to Annunciation, Advent, Epiphany, Baptism of the Lord, Winter solstice

source : www.wikipedia.com

Rabu, 02 Desember 2009

all about music

there were so many kind of music
the kind of music is is very different each other
and there were so many melody that you can find

the kind of music is :

pop music
hip-hop music
RnB music
Jazz music
Rock Music
classic music
and either....

a lot of people likes to listen pop,hip-hop,and RnB music.
and either likes jazz,rock,and classic music.

Minggu, 29 November 2009

how to make a blog

there were a lot of way to make a blog...
now i'll give you the simple way to make a blog

first, you add the web address
you can choose one of this on


second,you can sign up to web address.

third, you can add some personality for your profile

fourth, you can named your blog

fifth, registered your new blog

sixth, you can checked your e-mail

seventh, you only waiting your blogs

eigth, you have a new blogs....

Rabu, 25 November 2009

Remidi komputer

All About Friendster

Sejarah Friendster

Friendster diciptakan di California - Amerika. Sedangkan pencipta web friendster adalah Jonathan Abrams bulan Maret tahun 2002. Dari tahun tersebut sampai sekarang member terbanyak dari friendster.com berasal dari Negara Philipina, yang kedua adalah negara malaysia, singapore dan Indonesia.

Kent Lindstrom, Presiden
Kent Lindstrom adalah Presiden Friendster dan pengekrut karyawan karyawan Friendster. Sebelum menerima posisi Presiden, dia menjabat sebagai CFO Friendster dari Maret 2003 sampai Jan 2006. Kent menjabat sebagai karyawan Friendster pada 2002 sebagai salah satu di antara pegawai pertama perusahaan.

Salah satu motivator dipilihnya kent adalah dia mempunyai lebih dari 15 tahun Berpengalaman dalam masalah keuangan, pandai tentang memberi nasihat keuangan pimpinan, Dia adalah seorang manajer senior di Deloitte & Touche LLP, berspesialisasi dalam perencanaan dan keuangan strategis. Dia meninggalkan Deloitte & Touche pada tahun kemitraannya untuk berhubungan NetRead sebagai Presiden pertamanya. Sebelum Deloitte & Touche, Kent adalah seorang perwira First Colonial Bankshares Corporation.

Kent is a Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) and holds an MBA in Finance and Marketing from Northwestern University’s Kellogg School of Management.

Aaron Barnes, Vice President of Global Sales & Business Development

Sebagai Wakil Presiden Friendster Penjualan dan Perkembangan Perusahaan, Aaron mengelola semua penjualan, perkembangan perusahaan, dan periklanan pelaksanaan bagi perusahaan. Aaron membawa di atas 15 tahun pengalaman di penjualan, pemasaran dan pelaksanaan dengan rekor jalan setapak tentang operator penjualan pengiklankan online, perkembangan perusahaan dan abonemen. Aaron sudah mengadakan penjualan senior, pemasaran dan tugas perkembangan perusahaan di Sequoia Capital mendukung Quote.com (Lycos Finance), Trident Capital mendukung WhenU, Inc, dan di depan umum bertukar Looksmart (NASDAQ: MELIHAT). Strategi penjualan dan taktik global Aaron melaksanakan sudah menghasilkan pendapatan mendaki Friendster sampai ketinggian perusahaan bersejarah pada 2006 dan 2007 sedangkan di sejajar secara signifikan memperbaiki synergistic efficiencies persekutuan perusahaan strategis. Aaron mengadakan gelar B.A. di Ilmu Politik dari University of Pennsylvania dan Pimpinan Kewiraswastaan yang dipelajari di Wharton School of Business.

Chander Sarna, Senior Vice President of Engineering, Operations and Product

Chander Sarna adalah Wakil Presiden Teknik dan Pelaksanaan di Friendster. Chander menghubungkan Friendster pada Maret 2006 dan sekarang ini mengelola terbaik di kelas tim insinyur dengan pengalaman besar berjalan di profil tinggi mulai-ups. Sebelum Friendster, Chander adalah seorang Direktur Senior Teknik di Siebel Systems dan VP Teknik di Greenlight.com. Pengalaman kerja tambahan termasuk Direktur Perkembangan Produk di posisi Netscape dan merencanakan di Borland, Tandem dan Intel. Chander memegang MSCS dari SUNY Stony Brook, MSEE dari Rensselaer Polytechnic & BSEE dari Birla Institute of Technology & Science, Pilani.

David Jones, Vice President of Global Marketing

David L. Jones berhubungan dengan Friendster lebih dari 17 tahun dan berpengalaman di bidang pemasaran, perkembangan perusahaan, produk dan perusahaan strategi. David adalah juga direktur eBay ’s (salah satu perusahaan media iklan) dan pertunjukan di Amerika Serikat. Sebelum eBay, David adalah Wakil Presiden Perkembangan Perusahaan di Blue Wireless dan seorang mitra relasi di memberi nasihat pimpinan dan teknologi kukuh Arthur D. Little.
Friendster Profiles

* Kent Lindstrom, President
* Aaron Barnes, Vice President of Global Sales & Business Development
* Chander Sarna, Senior Vice President of Engineering, Operations and Product
* David Jones, Vice President of Global Marketing

Source: David holds a B.A. from Stanford University in Quantitative Economics With Honors & Distinction, 1990.

Source : http://www.friendsterforum.com/forum/friendster-indonesia/sejarah-friendster/?imode


Iklan online di Friendster saat ini belum banyak karena masih versi beta. Namun banyak calon pemasang iklan yang lebih tertarik memasang iklan di sebuah komunitas yang profil naggotanya jelas seperti Friendster.Apalagi jika iklannya dapat dipersonalisasi, dikirim ke target audience yang cocok dengan iklannya.
Pendapatan kedua adalah dari keanggotaan.Saat ini memang masih gratis.Namun sudah ada kasak – kusuk untuk mengutip biaya layanan khusus Friendster versi finalnyadengan biaya US$ 9,95 atau Rp. 99,5 ribu per bulan.Misal kita asumsikan saja 10% dari anggota yang sekarang rela merogoh koceknya,maka pendapatan tahuna Friendster sekitar US$ 107,46 juta.

Source : http://www.hmistainkdr.co.cc/2008/08/sejarah-friendster.html

Perkembangan Friendster

Serba-serbi Friendster yang Perlu Anda Ketahui
Pendirinya adalah Jonathan Abrams (foto kiri), yang sekaligus kreator dari Friendster. Jonathan sebelumnya adalah pendiri dan CEO HotLinks. Ia pun pernah menjabat sebagai senior enginering pada perusahaan internet terkenal Netscape dan Nortel. Abrams sendiri adalah lulusan Computer Science dari McMaster University.
Nama Friendster sendiri berasal dari ‘Friend’ dan ‘Napster’. Pada saat itu Napster memang sudah menolong orang-orang untuk bertukar informasi melalui jaringan maya, dan Friendster melakukan hal yang sama dalam dimensi yang berbeda.

Ketika perkembangan Friendster memperlihatkan tanda-tanda kemajuan, pengelolanya mendapat suntikan dana US$ 13 juta dari berbagai investor. Lalu pada Juni 2004 Friendster merekrut seorang profesional bisnis. Dia adalah Scott Sassa, mantan President stasiun televisi NBC Entertainment.
Hingga 2006, pengguna Friendster diperkirakan mencapai 20 juta orang dari berbagai belahan dunia.
Namun menurut survei comScore Media Metrix, tahun ini trafik pengunjung Frienster cenderung menurun. Kalau bulan Oktober 2005 Friendster dikunjungi 1,7 juta pengguna internet (unique visitor), maka pada bulan April 2006 pengunjungnya tercatat hanya 1 juta orang.
Friendster adalah sebuah situs web jaringan sosial di mana seorang pengguna akan membuat identitas maya dan kemudian mengisi data dirinya untuk kemudian mendapatkan account di Friendster. Dalam Friendster, kita juga dapat melihat teman dari teman kita dan teman dari teman dari teman kita, selain melihat teman kita sendiri.
Friendster dimulai sejak tahun 2002 oleh Jonathan Abrams dan sekarang sudah melewati masa beta test. Sejak awal 2005, Friendster juga telah memulai fitur blog. Saat ini Friendster telah menginternasionalisasi bahasanya yang semula hanya bahasa Inggris, saat ini telah tersedia bahasa Indonesia, bahasa Tionghoa, bahasa Spanyol, bahasa Korea, bahasa Jepang, bahasa Vietnam, bahasa Malaysia.
Situs ini merupakan situs jaringan sosial pertama di internet yang memiliki basis awal di negara-negara berbahasa Inggris, lalu menyebar hingga ke Asia. Posisinya di Amerika Serikat dan tidak lama kemudian digantikan dengan MySpace dan kemudian Facebook dan LinkedIn, namun situs ini masih memiliki basis masa di Asia

Tahun 2003 google mengajukan tawaran akuisisi Friendster senilai 30 juta dollar. Namun tawaran itu ditolak pihak Friendster.

Tokoh-tokoh Friendster
Kent Lindstrom President
Aaron Barnes Vice President of Global Sales & Business Development
Chander Sarna Senior Vice President of Engineering, Operations and Product
David Jones Vice President of Global Marketing

Source : http://www.asal-usul.com/2009/02/serba-serbi-friendster-yang-perlu-anda.html

Beberapa Manfaat Friendster :

1. Friendster.com biasa digunakan untuk mencari teman dan mempublikasikan profil pribadi, serta melengkapinya dengan foto.
2. Friendster.com tidak hanya dikenal di Indonesia, tetapi bahkan di seluruh dunia. Dengan menu Pencarian pengguna dapat mencari anggota Friendster lain, baik menurut nama, alamat, atau bahkan menurut hobinya.
3. Apabila telah melihat profil seorang anggota Friendster, pengguna dapat menambahkannya ke dalam daftar teman. Dengan mengklik Tambahkan sebagai Teman. Hanya saja untuk itu harus mengetahui alamat email atau nama lengkapnya, setelah itu tinggal menunggu persetujuan darinya.
4. Pengguna juga bisa saling mengirimkan pesan kepada anggota Friendster lain melalui fitur Kirim Pesan. Selain itu, juga dapat menambahkan Testimoni kepada teman. Testimoni dapat berupa komentar, ucapan selamat ulang tahun, atau bahkan sebuah gambar. Testimoni yang telah diterima akan ditampilkan pada bagian bawah profil yang bersangkutan. Jika ingin menambahkan sebuah Testimoni, anda cukup mengelik ikon Tambah Komentar pada profil.

Source : http://tip-friendster.blogspot.com/2008/11/beberapa-manfaat-friendster.html

Posting by : Via / XI Is 1/07

How to Draw Manga

How to Draw Anime / How To Draw Manga

To learn how to draw anime, apart from the great how to draw manga tutorials and books, we've put together an exhaustive link list of sites to browse for tutorials. If you are more interested in this, take a look below! The pages here all haev good information for both the artistically challenged, all the way to the professional artist!

(We are always looking for new, great tutorials to put here. Got an idea on one we missed, whether it is in pencil or CG? Keep reading to see how to submit it to us for possible review and addition to this page!)

How to Draw Manga
Relative Difficulty: Beginner

One of the most well known sources for books and supplies on drawing manga, How to Draw Manga also provides tutorials with helpful tips for free on their site. Get advice on hair, clothing and folds, faces, female figures and some coloring tutorials for paint Shop Pro and Photoshop. Plus, while you're there, you can pick up some supplies to get yourself on your way to drawing Manga.
OMU Art Class
Relative Difficulty: Beginner

Get started with the anime/manga style head and hair features with this tutorial.You're first given a technical approach before going on to a more stylized look. It's nicely laid out and well linked for a nicely flowing presentation. This site caters to beginners and newbies.
Manga Tutorials
Relative Difficulty: Intermediate

This site contains over 80 manga drawing tutorials and is extremely comprehensive. The section on gear is especially helpful as well as tutorials on how to draw the male figure (which is somewhat rare.) It covers everything from the basic figure to CG coloring. This is one of the most detailed and helpful sites available for free. It's rather extensive. You're sure to find tips on what you're looking for here.

source :www.google.com

Senin, 23 November 2009

Bikin PestA uLTAH sERU...

Bikin Pesta Ultah Seru

Pesta Kebun
nggak harus beneran diadain dikebun. sulap aja pekarangan belakang atau teras
menjadi lokasi pesta kebun yang cantik. biar lebih terasa suasana kebun, minta
katering yang menangani pestamu membuatkan yang sesuai tema.
jangan lupa, kue ulang tahunmu yang juga berornamen buah dan sayuran. Nggak
perlu khawatir keringetan berlebih dan BB di cuaca panas, asla kamu pakai
Rexona Teens sehabis mandi.

Seru banget kalau ultah kamu dihadiri karakter manga/anime jepang beken!
apalagi kalau kamu dan teman-temanmu penggemar anime. Siapin fotografer
buat mengabadikan moment seru ini. Psst, biar kamu pede dan bebas bau badan
setiap habis mandi pakai Rexona Teens dulu. Deodorizer-nya akan membunuh bakteri
penyebab BB, sehingga pakai kostum apapun nggak masalah.

Pesta Kolam Renang
Mau pestamu terasa sanati? Bikin pesta di tepi kolam renang. Biar makin meriah,
tambahin aja permainan seru. Ajak teman-teman dekatmu buat merancang permainan
buat ngisi acara pestamu. Jangan lupa, siapin baju cadangan buat jaga-jaga
bajumu basah kena air. Cocoknya, pesta ini diadain siang atau sore hari, jadi
tamu-tamu kamu nggak kedinginan dan masuk angin.

Blast From The Past
Nggak ada salahnya nyobain pesta ala dekade '70 atau '80-an. Suasananya bakal
lebih oke kalau dilengkapi dengan iringan ,usik yang beken dari jaman itu.
Nah, biar produksi keringatmu nggak berlebih saat menari-nari mengikuti musik,
pakai Rexona Teens setiap habis mandi. Kandungan antiperspirant-nya bakal
ngbebasin kamu dari keringat berlebih. Formulanya yang lembut bkin ketiak iritasi.
Menarinya bisa jalan terus, deh...


Minggu, 22 November 2009

all about anime


Kamis, 19 November 2009

White Chocolate

White Chocolate

Rabu, 18 November 2009

Apple Candy

Apple Candy

How to make Best Candy Apple

Step1-Wash and dry apples; remove stems and insert sticks into stem end of apple.
Step2-Mix sugar, corn syrup, and water in heavy saucepan, cool over medium heat, stirring constantly until mixture boils and sugar is dissolved.
Step3-Then cook, without stirring, until temperature reaches 200 degrees, or until small amount of syrup dropped into very cold water forms a ball that is hard enough to hold its shape, but still pliable.
Step4-Add cinnamon candies and continue cooking to 250 degrees farenhite or until small amount dropped into cold water separates into threads which are very hard, but not brittle.

Step5-Remove from heat. Stir in red food coloring if desired.
Step6-Hold each apple by the stick and quickly twirl in the syrup, tilting pan to cover all the apple. Remove and allow excess to drip off, then twirl to spread syrup smooth over apple. Place on lightly greased baking sheet to cool. Store in a cool place.
Step7-If candy mixture cools too quickly while dipping the apples, it may be reheated over low heat.

source : http:\\images.google.co.id

Senin, 16 November 2009

all about everything


Uhmm... i think everybody like chocolate right?
but how much chocolate give us an enough energy and nutrition???

of course i'd like to eat this one. coz chocolate was so delicious to eaten. and beside thats i'd like to eat chocolate when i was very hungry and when i was angry with someone.

because, chocolate give me the calm feelling when i eat them. the taste was very delicious and make me happy.

The raw, tasty truth about natural chocolate

Skip the average bar and reach for nutrient-packed cacao treats instead

Simply explained, raw chocolate is chocolate that is unroasted and has been combined with a few unobtrusive ingredients like agave or sea salt. Most conventional chocolate bars are made with roasted chocolate and combined with a variety of other heavy ingredients, like refined sugar. For me, raw chocolate is a simple, unrefined chocolate experience. Daniel Sklaar, the chocolatier behind Brooklyn’s Fine and Raw Chocolate, calls it “a complete celebration of food.” Well, it’s that too. Over the past few years you may have heard a bit about the antioxidant benefits of dark chocolate, but those claims did little to highlight the nutritional powerhouse that is raw chocolate.

This stuff is truly good for you. According to David Wolfe, author of “Naked Chocolate: The Astounding Truth About the World’s Greatest Food,” chocolate in its natural state is the best form of magnesium, chromium and iron, which are the top three mineral deficiencies in the U.S. Wolfe, one of raw chocolate’s biggest advocates, also credits cacao with being extraordinarily high in vitamin C. Cacao also contains omega-6 fatty acids and is one of the best sources of natural fiber. So doesn’t the average bar contain these things too? Not so much, explains Wolfe. When cacao is roasted it looses its vitamin C and its fiber is disturbed. Cooking cacao also destroys PEAs (phenylethylamines), the chemicals contained in chocolate that make us feel like we’re in love.

source :http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/32271092/ns/today-green/
by : via

Kamis, 12 November 2009

let's learn japan language....

japan letter

There are 3 kinds of japan letter. and there are is hiragana, katakana, and of course japan kanji. now i'll give y'all a little thign about hiragana and katakana letters
let's we see this one:

Minggu, 08 November 2009

my other picture ><;....

Just to know, my zodiac is libra. so for now i'll give y'all a little things about libra girlz....><;; uhmm hope y'all enjoy this one yeach....

Rabu, 04 November 2009

my photo...><;...

Okey, now i'd gives y'all some of my picture
that interesting too. and this picture is very meaningfull 4 me, coz this picture almost describeing my personality.

Sabtu, 31 Oktober 2009

i'm forget one event.........><...........

Oh no, i'm forget one event that's interesting too.\>.<;...)
that's event is Halloween Day's
as far as i knows this event is
early than christmas eve right?
And this event is reminds me about
"Trick or Treat" that y'all can say to another people...
of course this event is reminds me about
"Nightmare" that y'all can feels....(T.T)(>n<)

Senin, 26 Oktober 2009

christmas eve...???....

what's the meaning of christmas eve (-->O<--)

merry x-mas world
i'm till lonely now
bu i'll never give up to instropection myself
as i can

coz' i'm never be myself if i can't survive myself
4 my future.

so, see u next memo...

Minggu, 18 Oktober 2009


Kamis, 01 Oktober 2009

Anime glitter

Senin, 28 September 2009

Related anime:
Rozen Maiden: Ouvertüre (special) (prequel)
Rozen Maiden: Träumend (TV) (sequel)
Rozen Maiden: Detective Kun-Kun (special) (spinoff)

Alternative title:
Meitantei Kun-Kun (Japanese)
Дева-роза (Russian)
ローゼンメイデン (Japanese)
薔薇少女 (Chinese (Taiwan))
Themes: superpowers
Plot Summary: Due to a deep trauma at school Sakurada Jun has refused to return. He spends his time in his room, surfing the web and ordering anything that takes his fancy, only to return the items just before payment is due. One day, he finds a web site that tells him to put his order in a drawer of his desk. He does so thinking it to be a joke, only to find that the letter disappears and a strange package arrives soon afterwards. It contains an exquisite doll, that, when wound, comes to life. She treats him as a servant of little worth, but over time helps him come to grips with his fears and in the life-or-death fights that soon follow her arrival.

Jumat, 18 September 2009

this is all about my picture classes.....
so let me share to you 'bout my picure "fam" classes

for the honest i'd have any picture for you all,
but for now , i'm just gives you one of my
photo collection.

soo, enjoy this one yeach guys.....
i'm mean

next time i'll gives you another picturte
about my fams classes pctures...............

seee youuu and god bless you all.(><)(^^)(@@)

Kamis, 17 September 2009

When your Gone

I always needed time on my own
i'm never thoug i'd
need you there when i cry
when you walk away i count the steps thath you take
do you see how much i need you right now....
chorus : When your gone the faces of my heart is missing you
When your gone the face i came to know is missing too
When your gone the world i need to her to always get me through the day
And make it okay , i miss you
We were mak it forever

Kamis, 27 Agustus 2009

First Love

Everyone can see
there's a change in me
they all say i'm not the same
kid i use to be

don't go out and play
i just dream all day
They don't know what's wrong with me
and i'm too shy to say

chorus : it's my first love
what i'm dreaming on
when i go to bed
when i lay my head upon my pillow
don't know what to do
my first love
he think's that i'm too young
Doesn't even know
wish that i could tell him what i'm feeling
'cause i'm feeling my first love

mirror on the wall
does he care at all
does he ever notice me
does he ever found

tell me teddy bear
my love is so unfair
will i ever found away
and answer to my pray
for my first love... (back to chorus)

Rabu, 19 Agustus 2009

yeach... i'd like to share y'all about my new picture this week
c'mon let's see this one !!!! (>O<)

Kamis, 13 Agustus 2009

silakan curhat....

For all Of my reader....^_^
for the honest i'd like to share about anything that you like to share.... so give me your problem, and maybe i can helps some problem of you (  (^_^;)   )

Selasa, 04 Agustus 2009

W3lcom3 to my Profile

A Little things about "My Profile"

Name : Eva Liana
Hobyy : Reading Books
Class : XI-Is 1
Cita-Cita : Novelist