Sabtu, 07 Mei 2011

Still Waiting For The Announcement Of National Examination

Long Time No Write in This Blog.....

Well, in This Holiday i'm still waiting
for the announcement of My national Examination.
Actually, I'm very confused and Feel the thrill.

But i'm always think that i will pass my National
Examination With a Good Score. Even i'm not believed
that maybe i can reach the Top Score @Hendz

Thx For All Of My Teacher @Hendz
I'm Sure that y'all will have many kinds
of Children and Students that have a Best Attitude
And Also have a Good relationship Each Other.

GBU, ^0^
Have a Nice Day

1 komentar:

  1. English:
    hopefully all records today can give a good lesson for all readers of my blog. thank god Jesus who always accompany me and my friends and all the teachers who always supported me in the face of tests that have past.

    semoga semua catatan hari ini dapat memberikan suatu pelajaran yang baik bagi semua pembaca Blog saya. terima kasih kepada tuhan Yesus yang selalu menyertai saya dan teman-teman saya serta semua guru-guru yang selalu mendukung saya dalam menghadapi ujian-ujian yang telah lalu.
